He had a Mustache. And so begins a hilarious book titled... Mustache Baby by Bridget Heos. It is cleverly illustrated by Joy Ang. It's one of those books where the illustrations need the words and the words need the pictures. I am the studio manager for a Dance Studio and teachers often read books in our foundation classes. So, I placed this book in the studio for the teachers and I also included mustache stickers for everyone to wear while the book was being read. All the students enjoyed the story and had a fun time with the mustaches. After each class as students would return to the lobby to go home I felt the need to announce to the parents why their child was a wearing a mustache. It was just so much fun. The following week I placed the book in the lobby so the parents could read it as well. Many students saw the book and immediately picked it up for their parents to read to them. They obviously knew the story and were excited to hear it again. I'm not going to tell you anything about the story because I want you to read it for yourself.
Side Note: I think this would be an interesting baby gift, you could included a pack of mustache stickers.:)
Recently the Dance Studio Director, Kathryn rescued a stack of children's books from a church rummage sale and brought them to the studio for me to look at. She was intrigued by the title of one of the books, are you ready for this...it was called Slugs by David Greenberg. It begins...Swallow a Slug by its tail or its snout, feel it slide down, feel it climb out. The story continues on in that fashion with Dissect a Slug with scissors, Poke one with a tweezer, Pop one in the microwave, Freeze one in the freezer. And I will tell you in the end the slugs get their revenge. The book kind of reminds of Tod Browning's cult classic movie "Freaks". It turned Kathryn's stomach and she said, "this can not really be a book" and "I think this book might of scarred some children for life". So, I looked it up and according to the comments on the website A Good Read, it is a beloved children's book from the 1980's. Evidently, Grandma used to read it to her grandchildren. David Greenberg wrote other books like "Bugs". He also wrote "Crocs" and one called "Skunk". I think I will explore his other books and get back to you because I am not really sure what to think. But in the mean time is Slugs someone's favorite childhood book, let me know???
Additional Note: At the dance studio I put different books in the lobby every week, some library books, some we own. It is rewarding to see the children run to the table, grab a book and bring it back to Mom or Dad to read.